Critical reflections on 5G Intro slide 5G is being rolled out at a break-neck speed. More and more people are asking serious questions about this. And they are right. In this episode we take a critical look at 5G. Slide 2: National and European governments are delighted by 5G. They dream of new applications. License sales bring in billions. Industry […]
Episode 7: Ten practical tips
Intro slide In previous episodes we explained what EM radiation is, why it is harmful and what you should pay attention to. In this episode we give 10 practical tips that don’t cost any money and can easily be applied. TIP 1: Avoid WiFi signals. Turn off WiFi at night. Turn off the homespot function. A modem or router […]
Episode 6: Why carrying a smartphone in your pocket is not a good idea
Intro-slide: Slide 2: Start slide Every day millions of people carry a smartphone in their pocket. It’s a habit that became a routine. But that routine harms your health. In this episode we explain why this is so. Slide 3: Nowadays governments oblige manufacturers to assign a SAR value to every mobile phone. SAR stands for Specific Absorption Rate. It […]
Episode 5: Why it is especially important at night to stay radiation-free
Slide 1: introduction title Slide 2: Start slide For decades electrical appliances have been part and parcel of our lives. We also like to use the internet. It is handy, interesting and convenient. However, this technological evolution also has a downside. It disrupts our inner peace and our organic balance. Slide 3: Therefore, especially during the night it is imperative […]
Episode 4: How the radiation load increased by a factor of million to billion
A short history of exposure to radiation Slide 1: Title Slide 2: For millions of years there was hardly any change in the radiation pattern on earth. Life gradually etched itself onto the naturally fluctuating electromagnetism of the universe and the world. Over the past 150 years, man-made, artificial radiation profoundly disrupted that balance. In this episode, we provide […]
Episode 3: What are the exposure limits and who sets them?
Slide 1 Governments, advisory bodies, scientists – they all talk about exposure limits. But who sets those limits? And are the experts setting them acting neutrally and without bias? We will zoom in on this issue in the current episode. Slide 2 Governments generally set exposure limits for man-made electromagnetic fields. Within the European Union, member states are still […]
Episode 2: Thermal heating or biological damage
A debate of major consequence Slide 1: Start slide Scientists disagree about how electromagnetic radiation causes damage. Current exposure limits are based on the belief that non-ionizing radiation only causes damage by heating tissue. If so, we should not worry about the radiation levels to which we are currently exposed. But is that really the case? slide 2. The […]
Episode 1: Natural radiation vs Technical radiation
Worlds far apart Slide 1: Start slide We live in an electromagnetic realm. The earth and the universe continuously generate natural electromagnetic fields. In addition, there is artificial radiation generated by humans. In this episode, we take a closer look at the difference between the two. slide 2. Natural radiation is inherent in life. Humans have been bathing it […]
Teaser: A series of 8 interesting episodes – Radiation in our living environment:
Slide 2 We live in a fast-paced society. Today we are experiencing one technological revolution after another. This is especially true for wireless technologies. A new generation smartphones has but been launched or the next generation is already on its way. However, wireless devices are also increasingly creating artificial, man-made electromagnetic fields. More and more people worry about that. Is […]