Teaser: A series of 8 interesting episodes – Radiation in our living environment:
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We live in a fast-paced society. Today we are experiencing one technological revolution after another. This is especially true for wireless technologies. A new generation smartphones has but been launched or the next generation is already on its way. However, wireless devices are also increasingly creating artificial, man-made electromagnetic fields.
More and more people worry about that. Is all this healthy for myself and my children? What does it do to nature? Do we really need all that stuff? And isn’t all of that going too fast?
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All of these are valid questions. In the debate about electromagnetic fields there is hardly any room for what independent scientists tell us about the influence of wireless technology on humans, animals, plants and nature.
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The wireless revolution is, moreover, not sustainable. It consumes an enormous amount of energy and raw materials. This is not a good idea in times of climate change and concern for nature.
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Policy makers and industry tend to minimise these elements. They claim that wireless technology is not harmful, that its effect on living beings is negligible. For them, electromagnetic fields are only harmful if they heat up tissue, and our devices lack the transmitting power to do that.
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Independent science tells a different story, however. Over and over again they find that man-made radiation is indeed harmful. That far below the government’s safety standards they cause serious biological effects, both in the short and in the long term.
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That is why it is important to know what radiation is, what it does and what harm it can cause.
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In the various episodes of this series, we will elucidate a number of important aspects:
What’s the difference between natural and artificial radiation?
What’s the difference between harmful thermal and biological effects and why are these relevant for living beings and the environment?
Who sets the relevant exposure limits?
How come radiation increased exponentially over the past thirty years?
We also explain why it’s important to sleep in a low-radiation environment, why it’s not a good idea to carry a smartphone in your pocket and we give tips on how to limit exposure without incurring any costs;
Finally, we discuss the roll-out of 5G
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Join us on this voyage. The more people are well informed and understand what is really going on, the more people will act responsibly when using wireless technologies. Feel free, therefore, to share this series with friends and family. Only when many people are informed will governments and industry be forced to take all aspects of wireless communication technologies seriously, including how it affects our health.
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Finally, we have filed a lawsuit to force our governments to take independent scientists seriously and to appropriately protect the environment, people, plants and animals.
We gladly invite you to contribute and help us create a low-radiation living environment for everybody.
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