Episode 5: Why it is especially important at night to stay radiation-free
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For decades electrical appliances have been part and parcel of our lives. We also like to use the internet. It is handy, interesting and convenient. However, this technological evolution also has a downside. It disrupts our inner peace and our organic balance.
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Therefore, especially during the night it is imperative to rest well. In this episode we explain why this is so.
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Every day we are exposed to harmful influences: air pollution, pesticides, substandard nutrition, stress as well as electromagnetic radiation. A healthy body can repair a lot of that damage. A body no longer able to cope, becomes exhausted and falls ill.
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Nature has given us great recovery tools. Foremost amongst those is sleep. A good night’s sleep ensures a fresh start in the morning. It allows for us to repair the damage we incur during the day. Your bedroom is thus a kind of regeneration room for the body and the mind.
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We all know how a good night’s sleep works wonders. But did you know that man-made radiation disrupts the quality of your sleep?
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In the first episode we mentioned how life on our planet links in harmoniously with the natural radiation of the cosmos and the earth. During the night we tune in to natural radiation fields like the earth’s magnetic field and the Schumann frequency. To foster this resonance even our brain waves change. This nightly resonance allows us to recover and recharge.
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Most people remain ignorant about it, but some radiation affects us negatively and lowers the quality of our sleep. To indicate how this works, we briefly explain what radiation we are talking about.
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The earth can emit rays that cause geopathic stress: water veins, ley lines, Hartmann lines and curry lines are all natural to the earth. They can influence us in a positive or a negative way.
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If your bed is at an intersection of these types of lines, it can disrupt your sleep. Moving your bed can be a solution in such a case. Please consult a geobiologist to clarify such issues and advise you.
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The electricity grid feeds our electrical appliances with 50Hz alternating current. This generates both an electric and a magnetic field. At this frequency you can measure both fields separately.
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At higher frequencies it is no longer possible to separately measure such fields. They are measured together in what are called high-frequency radiation fields.
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If the electric, magnetic or electromagnetic field in your bedroom is too high, it can disrupt your sleep. It is therefore important to limit these fields as much as you can.
Some examples:
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As many night lamps are not earthed, they create an augmented electric field. That’s why it’s important to place your night lamp at least three feet from your head and make sure that all electrical appliances in the bedroom are well connected to the earth.
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Alarm clocks and baby monitors emit jamming signals. That could be one reason why your baby isn’t sleeping well. It often suffices to move the baby monitor or alarm clock. There are also baby monitors that do not work with high-frequency, pulsed signals. Such monitors are much healthier for your child. There are also healthy alternatives for alarm clocks.
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Many young people keep their smartphone close during the night. Sometimes they even tuck the device under their pillow. That’s not a good idea. Smartphone apps constantly emit high-frequency, pulsed signals. This disrupts your sleep and eventually causes health problems.
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A smartphone does not belong in your bedroom. If you want to use it as an alarm clock, set it to airplane mode and check whether Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are turned off. Always keep your smartphone at least one metre away from the body. Better yet, just leave that smartphone out of your bedroom.
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The same goes for TV, music installations and computers. Even while turned off they create a several feet electric field. Many new devices also emit Bluetooth and WiFi signals disrupting your sleep.
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Also have a look how many electrical sockets and USB chargers you have next to your bed. LED lights and energy-saving lamps often cause electromagnetic disturbances. The advice is to keep all that stuff at least one metre from your body while you sleep.
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Modems and routers transmit WiFi signals. It is best to place such devices as far away from your bedroom as you can. A good idea is to turn off the WiFi function during the night or calibrate your modem so that it does not generate wireless signals.
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Nowadays many homes are equipped with home automation, alarm systems, speakers and other devices generating WiFi or Bluetooth signals. They usually do this day and night. It is recommended to always go for wired alternatives and to deal with those responsibly.
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Finally, one more tip:
Walk through your house and your bedroom realising that both electrical and electromagnetic signals can disturb your sleep. Take babies, children and young people into account. By keeping your bedroom free from all kinds of interference, you can significantly improve how you and your loved ones sleep.
Slide 23: In the next episode we explain why it isn’t a good idea to carry a smartphone in your pocket.
Slide 24: lawsuit
By contributing to our crowdfund, you can support our lawsuit against the Belgian Government and the EU. In this way we strive together for a low-radiation living environment for ourselves and our children.
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